Which level of membership should I apply for?

If you are aged between 16 and 18 you can only apply to be a Member of The Society. Otherwise, when you apply, you will take The Society's examination which will decide which category of membership you will be awarded.

Do I have to pay a membership fee?

No. The Society does not levy a membership fee. If you wish to support us financially, you can make a donation, however, we will not accept donations that are intended as payment for membership.

I applied for membership, how long until I hear?

We aim to reply to all membership requests within 21 days of you completing the examination, however this is sometimes not possible. 

How long until I receive my hood?

Once your membership has been approved, you may purchase the appropriate robes from our robe supplier Ashington Gowns whenever you wish; Ashington Gowns will inform you of lead times.

Where can I order my hood?

Our official robe supplier is Ashington Gowns. You can find the link to our robes on the Academic Dress page. From there, you may order whichever style of dress is appropriate to you level of membership. For Members, please order the green simple shape hood with white lining fabric, and a black bachelors gown (please select whichever height suits you best). For Officers, please order the emerald green full shape hood with faux-fur binding, and a black masters gown (please select whichever height suits you best).

Where can I wear my hood?

The hood may be worn at any event or function where academic dress is deemed appropriate to be worn. These days, academic dress is only regularly worn at church services (other than the eucharist), for those who are participants in the service. Academic dress is regularly worn at some schools, generally for school photos or assemblies/church services.
If you are a member of clergy, you may wear the hood in choir dress. Or if you are a member of a choir that wears robes (not all do these days) and are participating in a service or event where academic dress is appropriate you may wear the academic dress of the society, relevant to the rank of membership you have been awarded. The same goes for if you are a verger, or other church official who robes for a service, and are participating in the service, you may wear the hood over your robes.
If you are a teacher, or other member of staff, at a school, or other academic institution, that allows the wearing of academic dress (not all do these days) you may wear the academic dress of the society, appropriate to the rank of membership you have been awarded.

Is there a pass mark for the examination?

There is no pass mark for the examination as such. There are 11 questions with a total of 27 marks. To be awarded Membership of The Society, you must simply convey a clear and obvious interest in flags and learning more about them in your application, your technical knowledge is of very little consequence. We do expect those awarded Officership to be able to score at least 20 marks on the examination.

I'm 17 and I scored 24 points on the examination, am I eligible to become an Officer?

We do expect Officers to be able to score at least 20 points on the examination, however, Officers must be at least 18 years of age. You can apply to be awarded Officership once you turn 18. By emailing TheDean@thesocietyofstmichaelandallangels.org  please include your name and score in the email (we do keep a record of all those who apply to the society, but this helps us to speed things along for you). 

I struggle with exams, is there any other way to become an officer?

We do expect officers to be able to score at least 20 points on the exam, however, after 10 years of being a member of the society you may apply for officership by emailing:   TheDean@thesocietyofstmichaelandallangels.org and please include your name and date you were awarded membership (we do keep a record of members but this will make it easier for us to help you).